Grammar in Fun for the Children of Schoolroom Shire by M. L. Nesbitt

There’s a fuss in Grammar Land and Judge Grammar has dispatched Serjeant Parsing to call all the Parts-of-Speech to court and settle the matter. Dr. Syntax must be obeyed or all the laws of Grammar Land will go to wreck and ruin.
Join the children of Schoolroom Shire and discover the outcome of Judge Grammar’s trial. This imaginative tale brings the parts-of-speech to life with an engaging story and charming illustrations. Read the entertaining and amusing story of Judge Grammar’s trial and put your new knowledge into practice with all-new worksheets designed by Blue Sky Daisies. Answer key included.
Grammar Land Audiobook
Unabridged and Fully Dramatized!

The unabridged and fully dramatized recording produced by Blue Sky Daisies is now available!