Extra! Extra! Here are some more resources for you! Scroll down for Hallelujah listening links and more!
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Hallelujah Listening Links

Of course you can use your favorite Handel’s Messiah recording along with Hallelujah: Cultivating Advent Traditions with Handel’s Messiah. But in case it helps, here’s an album with tracks labeled with the same standard numbering system used in Cindy’s Listening Schedule.
You can take a look at the Day 1 listening schedule from the book (p. 33) and see the screenshot of the album on Spotify.
Listen to the Messiah recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra in 2007 on Spotify.
There are many others! Let us know if you have a recommendation and we’ll add it to the list! Scroll down to see Cindy’s album suggestions and Youtube playlists, as well as what others suggest.
Need a copy of Hallelujah? Ordering links are on our Books page.

Cindy’s Suggestions
Cindy Rollins loves the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields album, which is on Spotify here, and Amazon options for Amazon music or a CD are here.
Hallelujah contributor Greg Wilbur recommends this album by John Eliot Gardiner, which is in Spotify here, and Amazon options are here.
Cindy’s YouTube playlist for Week 1 is here:
Cindy’s YouTube playlist for Week 2 is here:
Cindy’s YouTube playlist for Week 3 is here:
Cindy’s YouTube playlist for Week 4 is here:
Your Recommendations
Ilia Danner Grubbs shared this Spotify playlist to the Literary Life Podcast Facebook group. It’s her collection of Advent selections that coordinate with Cindy Rollins’ book Hallelujah: Cultivating Advent Traditions with Handel’s Messiah.
Thomas Banks Reads His Poem “The Shepherd’s Tale”
Thomas Banks reads his poem, “The Shepherd’s Tale,” which is the Week 3 poem in Hallelujah: Cultivating Advent Traditions with Handel’s Messiah.